On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 08:15:36AM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:

> Paul M Foster wrote: 
> > We're moving across the state, and from what I've seen, providers there
> > will do something similar-- provide a router and/or modem which has wired
> > and wireless capabilities. However, because the house is not prewired for
> > internet, we must solve the problem of getting internet to the computers
> > and devices in the house. I'm not a fan of wifi, versus hard-wired
> > internet. It's not as reliable, and it's slower. Thus, I want cat 5/6 to my
> > devices. I could possibly wire the house with cat 5/6 through the attic,
> > but I'd rather not. Since the wifi signal will permeate the whole house, it
> > seemed more reasonable to plant a device in each room which could pick up
> > the wifi, and provide wired internet to that room.
> Concrete blocks wifi very effectively. Are any of your internal,
> load-bearing walls concrete?

Highly doubtful. The house is rectangular, so I'm guessing only the outside
walls are block (this is hurricane country). It wouldn't be cost effective
to use block on the interior of the house.

> > To the contrary, I *do* plan to string cat 5/6 to those devices, just not
> > all the way to the modem/router, which will likely be in the garage.
> The devices wired together in a single room will do well. They
> will have issues talking across rooms, as every round-trip will
> feature four wifi hops (room router to gateway, gateway to room
> router, and then back again).
> You're spending the money on a house, which is $LARGESUM. Spend
> the comparatively small amount of extra money on some form of
> wiring before you move in, so you don't end up frustrated for
> two years before doing it anyway and also having to move
> furniture, listen to concrete drilling, and so forth.

I wonder if I can get an electrical company to put in cat 5? Might be worth
it. The prospect of getting up in the attic and running cat 5 myself just
doesn't appeal to me.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog: http://noferblatz.com
Company Site: http://quillandmouse.com
Software Projects: https://gitlab.com/paulmfoster

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