On 4/6/24 04:34, Chris M wrote:
Bret Busby wrote:
alpine is available through synaptic, if you want to try it,

Hi Bret,

So you use POP 3 too huh, if your archive goes back 20 years?

I installed ALPINE and couldn't get it to connect to my server. I just kept getting " INVALID PASSWORD"

Even though I watched a Youtube video and followed their directions to a T.


I tried with an app password, still errored.

Then I tried:


used the same app password


Tried typing the password in manually.


Then I tried imap.fastmail.com/ssl/user=FASTMAILUSERNAME

Typed in password.


Then I tried imap.fastmail.com/ssl/user=fmusern...@fastmail.com

Typed in password by hand


* shrugs*

Here is a suggestion for you...

1. Visit http://mailman12.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/alpine-info

2. Subscribe.

3. Forward the above message to the list, and ask why you cannot log in.


Oh, and, let us know the outcome...

Bret Busby
Western Australia

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