On 6/3/24 12:10, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
(who still hasn't figured out why Ford named a car, and the Air Force named
its demonstration team, after that same cheap wine)

The USAF Thunderbirds predate Gallo Thunderbird by at least a year.  They
were founded in 1953, and the law allowing Gallo Thunderbird's creation
wasn't passed until the next year.  The wine was certainly out by 1957.  The
Ford Thunderbird _might_ predate the wine, since it came out in 1955.  The
email client though, no excuse for that one.





When I were a lad, if grandpa caught us double sigging,
   it's be straight to bed with no bread and butter
               after a good thrashing.
    -- Peter Radcliffe on ASR

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