Has anybody been able to install the NVidia 340.108 video driver in
Debian 12?

The messages I found said "Support for it ended in 2019. Use nouveau."

But I seem to have trouble with nouveau. When I was running Debian 10
on a Dell Vostro 1700 laptop with NVidia GeForce 8400M graphics, I had
been able to install the driver, and had no trouble. I made the mistake
of installing Debian 12.5 on the same partition, so I don't have the
Debian 10 install anymore. It freezes so completely that the keyboard
doesn't work, so I can't switch to a TTY screen. Even if I "ssh" to it
from my desktop, I can't kill and restart the graphics. I have a script
to restart KDE, but it does nothing. Even "init 3" doesn't do the
trick. I have to hold down the power key to reboot. I don't think it's
a hardware problem that amazingly manifested simultaneously with a new

Here's some too-late advice I've given to myself: Never blow away your
old install that appears to be working. If you don't have a new disk,
and you have room on the old one, make new boot and root partitions.
Mark only the new boot partition as the bootable one. Hook both boot
partitions to grub.

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