>> - Boot using the Grub on the X30's own HDD, and then ask Grub to boot
>>    the kernel+initrd found on the USB key (this is my favorite solution).
> I think this is the path I should follow. It explicitly handles my immediate
> problem and most likely satisfactorily handles issue(s) on other machine(s).
> Where would I find relevant GRUB documentation?

IIRC the main question is whether your Grub comes with support for USB storage.
If it doesn't you're out of luck.
If it does, it should be a small matter of typing

    linux /<THEKERNEL>
    initrd /<THEINITRD>

where those things can be completed with the help of TAB completion.

But it may depend on what exactly you're booting from that disk, which
may require specific arguments to be passed to the kernel.

>> - Copy the USB key's kernel+initrd to the /boot partition on the X30's
>>    HDD and boot from that.
> Can I copy the USB key's kernel+initrd to a currently empty partition and
> then treat it in manner similar to USB key above? [goal being not to mess
> with a currently functioning system ;]



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