
I am trying to use Nix on Debian, with the packaged version.

My goal is to have a pristine Debian OS and the ability to install
binaries for specific versions of common software independently from the

The problem is: none of the commands I find on the web work in this

For example, I did:

nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-24.05 nixos
nix-channel --update

Then I check the packages I want:


And type the commands they suggest:

nix-shell -p libossp_uuid

and it fails miserably:

error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using 
$NIX_PATH or -I)


nix-env -iA nixpkgs.libossp_uuid

fails too:

error: attribute 'nixpkgs' in selection path 'nixpkgs.libossp_uuid' not found

Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong and/or give me hints on how
to get started?

Alternatively, if you know other packages systems that can achieve a
similar goal, I can consider using it instead. But it has to handle
shared dependencies.

Thanks in advance.

  Nicolas George

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