
Disclaimer: I have never used Nix

from the Nix to Debian phrasebook
( https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_to_Debian_phrasebook )
I would try:
$ nix-env -qaP '.*libossp_uuid.*'

As an answer to your other question (is there another package system managing dependencies available on Debian?), I have never used NetBSD pkgsrc/pkg on Linux but it has long been possible. And pkgsrc used to be a source package management system but its pkg binary package management alter ego has been introduced since then. I am not absolutely positive that pkg (binary) can be used on Linux, but I strongly suppose so.

how to use pkgsrc on linux:
Using pkgsrc (binary and source):

for example, pkgsrc has no libossp_uuid package but does have a ossp_uuid one:

Perhaps others more knowledgeable in pkgsrc than me will chime in :-)

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