didier gaumet (12024-07-04):
> I tried the Debian way (installing nix-setup-systemd, which install nix-bin)
> without success. I then tried the method quoted in this webpage:
> https://ariya.io/2020/05/nix-package-manager-on-ubuntu-or-debian
> also without success but I indicate it because perhaps it will give you more
> hints about what to do

This or something similar will be the next step if I cannot get the
packaged version to work.

It is not the first time I am left wondering why something reaches the
Debian archive if it does not work. I already noticed that the ARM
installer advertised support for the RockPi nanocomputers but did not
manage to boot at all. How?

> While Pkgsrc has long been source only, nowadays it is a whole packaging
> system, both source and binary since the introduction of Pkgin.
> This webpage seems to confirm what I was suspecting: Pkgsrc would be able
> manage binary packages on linux:
> https://opensource.com/article/19/11/pkgsrc-netbsd-linux
> (but I was too lazy to verify by installing and trying  myself)


There is another property of Nix I need: Nix never replaces a file, it
only creates new files under different directories. This is important
for me as I intend to use the same snapshot of the /nix volume connected
read-only on multiple virtual machines. That way, I can install a new
version of, say, PostgreSQL for one VM but the other VMs running the
older version will not be affected at all until I upgrade them too.

Do you know if pkgsrc can give the same guarantee?

(I have also put the Debian /usr on a separate volume with a read-only
snapshot shared between VMs. The fact that on Debian stable an upgrade
does not require change in configuration files means I can upgrade the
system, make a new snapshot and reboot the VMs on it and it will work. I
even “mv /boot /usr && ln -s usr/boot /boot”. It seems to work. At some
point I will write a blog article about it.)


  Nicolas George

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