On Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:53:50 +0000
Michael Kjörling <c9bc136c6...@ewoof.net> wrote:

> $ for v in $(seq 1 119); do sed -i 's,<span class="verse"
> id="V'$v'">,<sup>,g' ./*.html; done
> Be sure to have a copy in case something goes wrong; and diff(1) a few
> files afterwards to make sure that the result is as you intended.

Having done that (or similar), don't forget to change the relevant
</span> closing tags to </sup> closing tags. However, there may be
other </span> closing tags you don't want to change because they close
other <span> tags we haven't seen. So you may prefer to use regexes as
Murphy intended, handling both the opening and closing tags at the same
time, leaving the intervening text intact.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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