On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 21:23:03 -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:53:50 +0000
> Michael Kjörling <c9bc136c6...@ewoof.net> wrote:
> > $ for v in $(seq 1 119); do sed -i 's,<span class="verse"
> > id="V'$v'">,<sup>,g' ./*.html; done
> > 
> > Be sure to have a copy in case something goes wrong; and diff(1) a few
> > files afterwards to make sure that the result is as you intended.
> Having done that (or similar), don't forget to change the relevant
> </span> closing tags to </sup> closing tags. However, there may be
> other </span> closing tags you don't want to change because they close
> other <span> tags we haven't seen. So you may prefer to use regexes as
> Murphy intended, handling both the opening and closing tags at the same
> time, leaving the intervening text intact.


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