On 06/28/2024 03:53 PM, Michael Kjörling wrote:
On 28 Jun 2024 14:04 -0500, from rowl...@access.net (Richard Owlett):
I need to replace ANY occurrence of
     <span class="verse" id="V1">
       thru [at most]
     <span class="verse" id="V119">

I'm reformatting a Bible stored in HTML format for a particular set of
vision impaired seniors (myself included). Each chapter is in its own file.

How do I open a file.
Do the above replacement.
Save and close the file.

Ignoring the question about Emacs

Emacs *CAN NOT* be ignored.
It is the _available_ editor known to be capable of handling regular expressions.

and focusing on the goal (your
question otherwise is an excellent example of a XY question), this is
not something regular expressions are very good at.

HUH ??????????

However, since
it's presumably a once-only operation, I assume that you can live with
it being done in a suboptimal way in terms of performance.

In that case, assuming for simplicity that all the files are in a
single directory, you could try something similar to:

$ for v in $(seq 1 119); do sed -i 's,<span class="verse" id="V'$v'">,<sup>,g' 
./*.html; done

I'll have to investigate sed further.
My project is not yet to the point of automatically editing ALL chapters. I need to first establish how to edit all VERSES of an individual chapter.

Be sure to have a copy in case something goes wrong; and diff(1) a few
files afterwards to make sure that the result is as you intended.

ROFL ;} No one would define me as a "programmer". I took an introduction to computers course as a E.E. student in the 60's. Most of my jobs required background in component level analog electronics. Got one assignment because I was not "afraid" of 8080 ;}

Yes, it almost certainly can be done with a single sed (or other
similar tool) invocation where the regular expression matches
precisely what you want it to match. But unless this is something you
will do very often, I tend to prefer readability over being clever,
even if the readable version is somewhat less performant.

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