Le 01/07/2024 à 01:24, George at Clug a écrit :
I have not found useful documentation that can get me over the "Could not find Wine 
Gecko",  "Failed to init Gecko" error messages.


disclaimer: I have not used Wine in ages, so I cannot be of real help

Note, you could tell what Debian distro you are using (12 Bookworm?) and if you have enabled multiarch support in it.

the Debian wiki page about Wine is here:
it states that for whatever reason "Windows software may require Mono for .NET, and Gecko for any HTML rendering. Debian has disabled these by default and do not provide packages.": Windows software may require Mono for .NET, and Gecko for any HTML rendering. Debian has disabled these by default and do not provide packages.

The WineHQ page about Gecko is here:

Two posts about solving Wine/Gecko problems on Debian Bookworm:

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