On Monday, 01-07-2024 at 15:48 didier gaumet wrote:
> Le 01/07/2024 à 01:24, George at Clug a écrit :
> [...]
> > I have not found useful documentation that can get me over the "Could not 
> > find Wine Gecko",  "Failed to init Gecko" error messages.
> [...]
> Hello,
> disclaimer: I have not used Wine in ages, so I cannot be of real help
> Note, you could tell what Debian distro you are using (12 Bookworm?) and 

Yes, Debian 12, Bookworm. (current stable)

> if you have enabled multiarch support in it.


# dpkg --add-architecture i386 &&  apt update

> the Debian wiki page about Wine is here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Wine
> it states that for whatever reason "Windows software may require Mono 
> for .NET, and Gecko for any HTML rendering. Debian has disabled these by 
> default and do not provide packages.":
> Windows software may require Mono for .NET, and Gecko for any HTML 
> rendering. Debian has disabled these by default and do not provide 
> packages.

I am now wondering what "is intentionally disabled" might actually mean. I am 
hoping that it means that Debian's wine will not automatically install 
Gecko/Mono, and not mean that even if you go ahead and manually install these 
packages they will not be used. But the effect seems to be the later.

> The WineHQ page about Gecko is here:
> https://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko
> Two posts about solving Wine/Gecko problems on Debian Bookworm:
> https://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=154513
> https://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=38245

"...this year, running debian 12.2 "bookworm" on the same laptop and using the 
wine 8.0 delivered with "bookworm" I have been unable to get a working 

"Consider using a sandboxer such as firejail to sandbox wine, such a 
configuration is outside the scope of this guide. "

"https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/firejail"; - "Firejail is a SUID security 
sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the 
running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces and 
seccomp-bpf. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own 
private view of the globally shared kernel resources, such as the network 
stack, process table, mount table. "

Implementing Firejail sounds like a good project for later on.

"You may wish to keep all your games in the same wine prefix, or have each game 
in its separate wine prefix. If you are using a traditional desktop 
environment, Wine will create .desktop files that remember the wineprefix for 
you. "

Interesting links. And the same issue as I am having.  I think I found these 
while searching for solutions. Sadly "$winetricks ie8" left me with a 
non=working iexplore.

As far as I know, I have:

"I created ~/.cache/wine and put the wine-gecko 2.47.3 msi there: "  And added 
mono too.
"apt install fonts-wine ttf-mscorefonts-installer"

At one time I believe I also installed directly from WineHQ repository too, but 
after not much success, relating to 'no idea what I am doing' as far as setting 
up an environment for Windows programs, I reverted back to just using Debian's 


Well I might as well keep testing and trying...  if I have any success, I will 
post back. Thanks for your comments, it gives me hope to keep working on this.



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