Lists (12024-07-14):
> When I researched the problem I encountered some posts stating that systemd
> had its own implementation for cryptsetup

This is not true. systemd-cryptsetup uses libcryptsetup, it is mostly
only glue.

> <rant-mode on>
> Why the *&^%#@! it is necessary to have this borg-like behaviour of systemd
> is beyond me. This is not the first time it is causing problems. TBH, this
> is more an ommission of d-i than of systemd. But then again, it would not
> have happened if there was just one implementation of cryptsetup.
> </rant-mode off>

It is not necessary to use systemd: you are free to use a bunch of
unreliable shell scripts to boot your system, as used to be the case, or
to use any of the other replacements for the bunch of unreliable shell
scripts that are better than systemd.

But the bunch of unreliable shell scripts had reached its limits with
hot-pluggable devices, and the other replacements are more obscure, and
usually less mature due to lack of hackerpower. That is why when Debian
decided to ditch the bunch of unreliable shell scripts, it chose
systemd: Debian developers are here to package things, not develop them.

So if you want to either go back or go forward in a different direction,
you have to do it on your own efforts.

Now, why does systemd have this “borg-like” behavior of having its own
package to handle crypptab?

Unlike the bunch of unreliable shell scripts, where there is a long list
of commands and if that list is executed in sequence it should result in
a booted system, if you are lucky, systemd has concepts of running or
failed units with dependencies, so that it knows that it must start the
database before running the web app, but mount the database storage
before starting the database, and it can notify that an unit has
suddenly failed, and so on.

systemd knows to read /etc/fstab, so when it sees:

/dev/mapper/aimlin-tempswap            none            swap    defaults 0 0

it defines an unit “swap” that depends on an unit “device”. But then it
finds the device does not exist: is it slow to initialize? is it
failing? is there a bug in the configuration? systemd cannot guess.

Installing systemd-cryptsetup teaches systemd to parse /etc/crypttab.
Now, systemd sees:

aimlin-tempswap /dev/disk/by-partlabel/aimlin_swap /dev/urandom 

and it knows that in order to get /dev/mapper/aimlin-tempswap it needs
/dev/disk/by-partlabel/aimlin_swap and invoke a few commands, and lo!,
/dev/disk/by-partlabel/aimlin_swap does exist, because lvm2 is an early

If somebody is not capable of writing whatever necessary to turn a
kernel just executing init into a fully usable system, even if it is
fragile and completely specific for a particular setup, the relevance of
their criticism about systemd will be fatally limited.


  Nicolas George

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