On 9/9/24 06:23, George at Clug wrote:
If I required glasses for reading the car's speedometer, then I would
definitely be using a bifocal pair of glasses. So far I can easily read
the instrument panel, and since most of the time we spend focusing on
the traffic about us, a quick glance now and then to confirm the car's
speed is under or at the current speed limit, I am able to drive for
many hours.

The need for glasses increases with lower the light levels because the pupil expands at low light and lense defects become much more obvious.

This is probably the reason I use black text on white background for most of my computer work. White or green text on black is generally harder to focus. Many of the 'dark' themes in editors are almost unusable for me.

A second issue mostly unrelated to computer screens is astigmatism. I was quite surprised when I started using 'driving' glasses about how much clearer the road became. At night it is not really safe to drive without them. The downside is that you can't see the instruments too well.

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