I have to administrate a mailserver with over 12000 addresses on a single
domain at our ISP. I have just bought Declude JM and I am in a realllllllly
bad mood for the last week while trying to tweak it. I thought I would share
my crown jewel of abusive emails (It is funny and I have had hundreds):

<Begin Rant>

Dear Sunbeach,
In the United Nations general assembly(1948) declaration of human rights
,under its civil and politcal rights states " the right to freedom of
thought,speech and communication of information and ideas."
 For an ISP to go about holistically implementing anti spam on all its
customers without thier consent is a funadmental breach of thier human
rights, which allows them freedom of communication of information of ideas
and their right to privacy.
 A case in point,Sunbeach's anti spam software should target specifically
those subcribers who requested this service.
 Microsoft Express allows e-mail to be filtered at various levels....in some
cases it deletes the spam from the server automatically so it never reaches
the e-mail box.
Let your customers up grade to Microsoft Express and use their own private
filter,so please enlighten them about this.

colvin chase

<end Rant>


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