Does anyone know of or use a program that would analyze the IMail log file
to determine which domains were sending the most mail to the IMail server
(after Declude JunkMail filters out most of the spam messages)?

I was checking the JunkMail logs and noticed a lot of messages from 2
domains that were only failing one test (spamheaders). Since that was all
they were failing the messages were going through. Investigating the domains
in older logs I noticed all the messages were spam, so I blacklisted the
domains. If I had a program that went through the IMail log and and gave me
a report or screen that reported ...

850 messages from
510 messages from
312 messages from
200 messages from

I'd know those messages made it through JunkMail and it's tests. I could
then investigate the messages from more easily than manually
scanning/remembering the thousands of domains in a 40k JunkMail log file.


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