I was just thinking, a weightrange test along the same lines as the
weightmatch test, just over a range, would make it where if you set up
multiple levels of actions based on weight, you can control the
%TESTSFAILED% variable more.  I tke increasingly severe actions based on
weight, from FOOTER to BOUNCE, and I am testing use of the ATTACH action,
but the %TESTSFAILED% variable lists all the weights not just the hightest
one triggered.  There was a posting before that suggested a variable or
switch to show only the non-weight tests, which would also work, but it
would be nice if the highest failed weight test could be shown, so we could
give them names like LOWSPAM, MIDSPAM, HIGHSPAM, and use them as an
indicator to the end user.

Chuck Frolick

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Scott Perry
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] externalplus, weight, and weightmatch

>You may have done this somewhere already but I don't seem to find it.
>Would you mind providing examples of the following:
>RSP> "externalplus" test type added, to allow external programs to
>RSP> whitelist E-mail

The "externalplus" test type works the same way as the standard external
test, except that specific exit codes will have specific
meanings.  Specifically, a code of 0 will indicate that the E-mail didn't
fail the test, a code of 1 will indicate that the E-mail should be
whitelisted, and any codes of 10 or higher can have any
application-specific usage (2 through 9 will be reserved, in case other
options aside from whitelisting need to be added).  Other than that, the
test will work the same way as the current "external" test type.

>RSP>"weight" response type for external programs, to allow external
>RSP>programs to return a weight

Here, "weight" can be used instead of the exit code (or "nonzero") in the
test definition for external tests, which indicates that Declude should use
the exit code as a weight.  This will be useful if external tests are
developed that can return weights.

>RSP>"weightmatch" test type added, for exact weight matches (IE for a
>RSP>weight of 10, but not 11)

This is the same as the current "weight" test type, except that it only
works with an exact match.  For example, where you currently have a line
such as:

         WEIGHT10        weight  x       x       10      0

you could also have:

         WEIGHTMATCH10   weightmatch     x       x       10      0

The WEIGHT10 test would get triggered if the weight of the E-mail was 10 or
higher, whereas the WEIGHTMATCH10 test would only get triggered if the
total weight of the E-mail was exactly 10.

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