Quick Question: could you explain the weighting on declude, I am a little fuzzy on this...
in the code below where after blacklist.txt x 5 0

what does the x 5 and 0 represent, I understand the 5 is the weighting,
That is correct.

 but what is the x
That's a convention used by Declude JunkMail test definitions -- the format is the test name, followed by the test type, then two pieces of test-specific information (or "x" if there isn't any information for the test), followed by the weight and a negative weight (to be used if the E-mail does not fail the test). Therefore:

and 0 after it
>>IPBLACKLISTTEST ipfile D:\Imail\Clients\declude\IPBlackList.txt x 5 0
>>BLACKLISTTEST   fromfile D:\IMail\Clients\Declude\Blacklist.txt x 5 0

That would be the weight that is added to the E-mail if the E-mail does not fail the test. Normally, that is not used, and always set to 0 (I'm not aware of anyone who is using it).

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