Monday, November 18, 2002 you wrote:
S> After reading this article, I changed our setup to weight the
S> blacklist to 7 and delete email at weight20. This waters down the
S> blacklist a bit but removes the reliance...anyone else doing the
S> same or similar?

   I think I understand what information in the article made you
   change your testing. However, it is more and more evident to me and
   my testing that every community of mail users is different and
   requires a different set of tests and actions.  I think it is
   entirely possible that one admin might get excellent results with
   an RBL and another might not.  So I think you have to devise a way
   to constantly monitor and tweak.

   I think that's the real message of the article - not just that
   rbl's are not as effective as they once were.

   However, we employ SNIFFER and get great results. We now fail on it
   alone after working out our lists and a few other peculiar issues.
    It has been well worth the fee.

Terry Fritts

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