
I have a few comments on your post.

> The  lack  of  a web-based GUI is probably the one main feature that
> keeps some of your competitors in business.

I disagree strongly. I can't say what Scott's competitive research has
shown,  but  the  fact  that  Declude  is  a  third-party  add-on to a
"horizontally  integrated"  mail  suite must be a much stronger factor
than  its  lack  of  GUI.  Without built-in MTA capabilities, it is of
course   relegated   to  downstream  filtering  and  must  suffer  the
consequences of IMail's evolving, but still far from enterprise-class,
SMTPD/SMTP architecture.

Being  an  MTA  is just one of IMail's features, so we don't judge the
product  a  failure  for not being a powerhouse in that area; in fact,
it's  our firm's most frequent recommendation by far, driven by price,
features...and Declude. But you have to call a spade a spade. MS SMTP,
and Exchange 2K, are faster MTAs than IMail. PostFix, Sendmail, QMail:
no  contest.  The  MTA  components  of  the  Norton  Gateways are more
efficient,  again  unsurprisingly.  Declude  is  absolutely  the  most
feature-rich  product  in  its  class, and IMail the best of the Win32
suites,  but without access during SMTP envelope transmission, Scott's
heroic trick-turning and encyclopedic knowledge of MIME, SMTP, and DNS
still  can't  get the product out of the catchup mode it inherits from
its  parent  platform. If there's one thing that's the deal-killer you
describe, sadly, that's it.

I  think  a built-in GUI would be cool for many of us and advantageous
for  Scott.  However,  I  think  that, as a Declude product, it should
exist only within IWEBMSG, which of course requires the (re)opening of
the IMail API after a false start this past year. If it exists outside
IWEBMSG, I believe it's a concession of defeat for the product to come
from  Computerized  Horizons,  and  a wasted effort if IWEBMSG becomes
programmable  relatively  soon.  On  the  other  hand,  the  case  for
*someone*  stepping  up  to  write  such  a helper application is very

> For  example,  we offer our clients today a choice of "no blocking",
> "conservative/safe  blocking",  and  "aggressive  blocking"  and use
> differnet configurations for each...If we had a GUI that allowed our
> users  to  select  between  these  three  levels any time they want,
> determine  what to do with failed email (delete, mark it, move it to
> a  spam review folder), that alone would do 60% or more what we need
> to  make our admin lives easier and empower our users to control the
> system with as little or as much filtering as we let them.

This  is  already doable within IWEBMSG if you follow my lead from the
other week; we're doing this at a couple of clients already.

> If  the GUI let's users or domain admins configure individual tests,
> it  should  present the tests through a "translation menu". In other
> words,  let  us  set  up  a  mapping  between  the  real  test and a
> user-friendly test name for the GUI.

As above.

> I  can  see  that we might want to give our users a list of tests to
> choose  from,  but  listed in simple terms/names "non-US Mail", "Bad
> Message  Structure",  "Known  spammers  - strict", "Known spammers -
> loose",  etc.  where  we  control  what tests we put underneath, the
> weights, etc.


> Specifically,  do  not  use  Cold  Fusion,  or other proprietary web
> application...Since  Imail runs on Windows servers, being compatible
> with  IIS  is not only reasonable, but is synergistic with what most
> of us do.

Allow  me  to  start  the  flak  on  the  platform front. :) Many have
mentioned  on  the IMail Forum their opposition to being forced to run
IIS,  with  its  history  of  catastrophic  vulnerabilities, and their
preference  for  IMail's  customized  Apache on those grounds alone. I
don't  think  any  full-fledged  HTTP/application  server  platform is
necessarily  superior, mind you. But special-purpose, proprietary HTTP
servers  are  easier to secure in the first place, less likely to have
widely  exposed  vulnerabilities,  and  self-definitively  easier  for
vendors  to  fix on their own. (And just imagine how juicy a target an
unsecured  IIS  server  running anti-spam management software would be
for an angry spammer!)

I  agree  that  CF  is  an  even worse choice than IIS, since it would
require CF Express or suchlike to ship with the product.

> If  you  do use IIS, then we can all use host headers/IP mapping and
> control  easily  what  URL  or  port  the admin site uses instead of
> fighting  the  port 8383 problems we have had with Imail for so long
> because  they  use  their  own  proprietary web server that does not
> support host headers.

That's not quite correct. IWEBMSG fully supports host headers, in fact
using  them  for  virtual  hosting.  It  does  not, naturally, support
another HTTP server binding to the same IPs on the same port.

Using  techniques I have documented on the IMail Forum, it is possible
to bind IIS to different IPs from IMail. All you'd be doing by running
a  Declude  GUI  on  IIS is forcing yourself to use those workarounds,
there's nothing simpler about IIS vs. other HTTP servers; if anything,
it's  a  bit *harder* to wrangle IIS into coexisting than is any other
HTTPD that I've done it with.

>  can easily include the MSDE database which is a royalty-free
> version  of  SQL Server 2000 that the application could use to store
> configuration files and settings in an easier to manipulate way than
> flat text files.

Ugh.  Yes,  easier to manipulate, and many, many, many times slower in
return.  I  hope  you're  not  also implying that MSDE run on the same
server as IMail/Declude, a certain no-no.

> ...anyone  could supplement the GUI easily simply by reading/writing
> database tables just like the IMail external ODBC link is used today
> by  many  IMail  admins  to automate creating users and settings for
> IMail.

Not by those who value performance. IMO, a dedicated anti-spam gateway
should not be saddled with such overhead if it is otherwise avoidable,
let  alone  anti-spam  services  running  on a mailbox server. I think
Scott's  use  of  flat  files  is  to  everyone's benefit, and forcing
Declude  to  use SQL would have a strong impact on performance--not to
mention  that  it  would  force  him to reengineer the product itself,
which is not part of the Add-a-GUI project as he presented it.

Take 'em or leave 'em, per usual.


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