> So  there  are  a lot of msgs where the remote mailserver after some
> mb's   of   transfered   data   terminates   the   trasmission.

Any  mail  server that terminates the session instead of sending a 5xx
is  broken,  as  it's  just  inviting more waste on both sides. If the
server  terminates  the  session  and  blacklists  you  temporarily or
permanently  for  future attempts, that's "politically" draconian, but
at  least  it's  technically  wiser  about  bandwidth. I had a lengthy
argument about this with Len Conrad on the IMail list; you may wish to
look it up.

As  you  mention, setting an outgoing size limit may help. But it will
not  help if you set a (generous, but not crazy) 10 MB limit and users
send to domains with even lower limits. And these domains are the ones
most  likely  to  muck with your retries. It is, essentially, a no-win
situation  unless  you  counsel  users to be sure that the destination
domain     will    accept    their    attachments--far    easier    in
corporate-to-corporate situations than in person-to-person.


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