
Monday, January 27, 2003 you wrote:
PF> We need to do a Windows API call to WINSOCK.DLL 
PF>  - GetHostByAddr and
PF>  - GetHostByName
PF> Need to do it in an ASP page and in a server side .exe (VB6).
    and of course the "who hasn't gotten mail from"
    and many more ...

    or you could write a component in Perl to do it

    A couple of warnings though:
    1) it is easier to lookup the IP from
       or apnic or ripe
       but ARIN, et al is sometimes not very accurate
    2) whereas the domain whois registrars are now legion
       and employ a remarkable number of output differences
    3) most domain whois registrars have limits on lookups
       that apply to both rate and total number

Terry Fritts

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