> SpamCop  is  a  very  important test because it tags over 50% of the
> typical  mail  volume,  however I'm not looking to support a crusade
> against AOL by blocking their E-mail.

I understand your position, but then whitelist AOL. It's not SpamCop's
obligation to decide that IPs that generate real and reproducible spam
flow  are  somehow  immune  from listing, is it? Sure, if they were to
provide  more  valuable  TXT records, they would be of better use, but
then  again,  we've  always known that they don't. Their weight should
already have taken this into account.

Note  that  until  Declude  builds in meta-tests (a.k.a. combo tests),
SpamAssassin can be used for this purpose.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

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