On 14 Apr 2005 at 8:50, Joey Proulx wrote:

Hi Joey,
> Can someone please explain to me why, if an email is flagged as spam
> by Sniffer, I shouldn't just delete it outright?  Are there instances
> where Sniffer is wrong?  Or is this the way you all use it already?
Well from my perspective the beauty of Declude is you can use 
multiple tests to fasil an email - as I'm sure you are aware.  No 
doubt an email that fails sniffer needs to be punished however to 
delete on that one test may cause some good email to be deleted..

For example I do get false positives on newsletters and some lists I 
belong to. So I generally wack an email 70% [varies depending of 
return code] of my hold weight and look for other failures to push it 
over the threshold

My .02 ... :)


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