      If you don't mind, is SA heavy on the CPU?  What kinda load are
you running with SA?

I have 3k plus users getting 300k emails per day... my SA is running on a linux server, P4 2ghz... no increase in load when I started using SA with declude today.

The best config I have set is:
SPAMASSASSIN external nonzero "e:\imail\declude\spamd\spamc32.exe -d -r -lt 4 -et 6 -f" 3 0

I 'think' so far that spamassassin only reports if SA's score is 4 or more, if so, I score it a 3 on the email test. I am still playing with the values to tune the system.

thanks for everyone's help today. I hope to have MRTG running reports on declude soon to show some statistics.

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