
There are only a handful of us that offer spam and virus blocking as an itemized service, the others that are service providers offer these things as expected services, and do so at great cost and labor. Most service providers generate no direct revenue from spam and virus blocking.

For the few of us that do, none of us are projecting $100 million in revenues from the services, or even 1 million, much less that much in terms of profits.

Declude doesn't generate my income. It is just one of many tools that I use. Adding CommTouch would not generate even $1 more in extra revenue for me either, so except for the possibility of saving my labor, there is no financial benefit to me adding it on. I would trial it if I thought that it could provide some benefit to what I already have (which is tough), but I would never share revenue with anyone that doesn't themselves help me generate revenue.

Please note that I am trying to be nice here. This would really piss me off if I thought that it has any chance for success as a model going forward and it affected me, but it doesn't. The only thing it serves to do is reinforce the continuation of strange and unfortunate choices that have been made. There are plenty of software companies offering similar products that have much more normal licensing and pricing arrangements, and they clearly work. I would suggest that Declude innovate the product instead of innovating the licensing and pricing. Declude is not big enough of a company to defeat the lingua franca of the industries it operates within.


David Barker wrote:


Managed services is the fastest growing segment of this industry, CAGR
forecasted at 25% per year through 2009. While the industry may seem
commoditized, you have pointed out  that businesses like Postini offer a
poor product but are projecting $100,000,000 in revenues. So I'd say there
is plenty of revenue to cannibalize if Declude works with Service Providers
to empower them to offer premium services and help market and promote those
services. This is the idea behind our Service Provider Program. I don't
think we're being greedy, but rather trying to get creative and help the
small guys compete against the big guys.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about the
program please call or email:

Arik                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kristina                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David B


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:07 PM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Declude 4.3


What makes the good folk at Declude and CommTouch believe that there is any
revenue to share?  For the majority of service providers that are Declude
customers, spam blocking is a 100% cost center, and for the few that offer a
gateway service, none of us are getting rich, in fact the astounding greed
that software companies have presented us with in the last 5 years combined
with competitive pressures of cheap or even free services has commoditized
much of what we are doing.

I have absolutely no revenue to share with Declude or CommTouch outside of
reasonable software licensing fees.  The only revenue that I share is with
those that generate business for my company.  If I get rich off of doing
what I am doing, it will be primarily the result of my blood, sweat and
tears, otherwise there would be 10,000 others just like me.


David Barker wrote:
        There are restrictions on CommTouch being used by Service Providers
we had
        to ensure that NEW customers (ie. Service Providers After 1 June 06)
        understand the licensing restrictions.
        Current Service Providers (ie. Before 1 June 06) are under no
        for using Declude; only the CommTouch add-in component.
        However we have managed to come to an agreement with CommTouch to
enable our
        legacy customers (ie. Service Providers Before 1 June 06) to take
        of CommTouch under a revenue share program, this program is not
being forced
        onto legacy customers but will be an opportunity for us to help you
        revenues in your business, by providing you with new product like
        Declude Gateway which would be independent of Imail/SmarterMail and
        include CommTouch.
        David B
        -----Original Message-----
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
John T
        Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:02 PM
        To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
        Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Declude 4.3
        I guess we all missed the following paragraph in the license
        3.2.6 sub-license, rent, sell, lease, distribute, or otherwise
transfer the
        Licensed Program save as provided under this End-User License
        unless You obtain a separate License from Declude, Inc. for such
        (for example, You may not embed the Licensed Program into another
        application and then distribute such to third parties unless You
        acquire an OEM License from Declude, Inc.). As of June 1, 2006,
ISP's and
        other service providers are not permitted to use Declude software to
        and forward mail to customers unless a separate revenue share
agreement has
        been established with Declude.
        Is Declude trying to put us out of business? We pay for the software
and now
        have to pay them some of your meager profits?
        John T
        eServices For You
        "Seek, and ye shall find!"
                -----Original Message-----
                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gary Steiner
                Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:24 AM
                To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
                Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Declude 4.3
                I guess someone is going to make an official announcement
today about
        Declude 4.3?
                I see that its downloadable in my account, but it would be
nice to know
        what I'm
                getting before I install it, especially the new Commtouch
                The "Restrictions" listed next to the Add Commtouch section
are especially
                Who would use Declude and not fit the definitions of the
        Based on my
                reading of the Restrictions, nobody who uses Declude will
ever be able to
                Commtouch.  If I am misreading this, would someone please
explain it to
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        Declude.JunkMail".  The archives can be found at
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