On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Deepak Shenoy wrote:

> We have to maintain constant communication ("check in that file dammit") -
> for this we're currently using ICQ and/or other such software. But we're
> considering groove (www.groove.net) or writing our own tool from
> intra-project communication.

ICQ is great for this :)  What does VSS do for automated commit emails?
If my CVS setup, whenever any files are committed, an automated email is
sent to the comits list with a list of the files added/deleted/modified,
the commit log, who did it, what branch it was on etc. etc.

I also had this being forwarded to my ICQ number as well, always good to
know when code has been commited.  And also serves as a good history that
you can easily review.  (Of course, the automated changelog generation
script I have for WinCVS works as well, makes a nice GNU style changelog
of all commit logs for a module).

> FreeVCS also works well, except it mandates that all developers need to use
> the SAME DIRECTORY STRUCTURE for a project, including the location on disk -

Frankly, I should hope you ARE using the same directory structure, as a
general rule I like having things in:

  <code dir>

This is how I lay out my CVS repository usually, and I usually check it
all out to d:\code as my <code dir>, but CVS doesn't mandate that.  Also,
one of the things I love about CVS, is the way branches are handled.  I
can have for example:

  d:\code\app\project1 (\app\project1 tal BRANCH)
  d:\code\app\project1-orig (\app\project1 MAIN BRANCH)

Just by flipping between the directories I can work on code thats on
either branch, I've only used VSS once whilst I was testing various SCM
tools, but from what I saw, its branching abilities sucks a mighty goats

> The good thing with freevcs and Starteam is that they have a facility to
> track bugs, keep milestones and even have newsgroup style discussions.

Frankly, I'd rather use a bug tracking tool for bugs, and *shock horror* a
newsserver for newsgroups, or email listservs.  I don't want to have yet
another place to read email, I have an email client for that.  Although I
do believe Starteam can integrate into Exhcange Public Folders?


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