
here's what i currently consider best practice in a
multiuser delphi environment. hopefully we'll get a
bit of a discussion out of it :-)

1) no 3rd party (or even standard, depends how 'pure'
you want to be) components used at design time. (cool
huh :-) ) 

2) all source (everything, including 3rd party
components) in source control. a directory layout (in
source control) that includes version information.



3) an application+database that tracks what version
components are used to build what version application.
builds a directory layout on the developers pc like:

4) nothing but standard delphi paths in any of the
tools/env.options paths. no global paths. none.

5) all paths are now in the project/options. each
application now only has paths to stuff it uses. all
paths are relative. ie there are no c:\ references.

all this means:

1) any time i can build any version of the application
knowing that associated 3rd party component versions
are correct for that build. 

2) given a freshly installed os+delphi, i can build
any application within 5 minutes.

3) i can have x applications on my pc, all using
different versions of the same components, and build
any of them at any time.

4) compiles become nicer. no searching though long
paths of stuff that isnt even used for this

5) compile speed. no paths pointing to network

6) everything is repeatable. same build, same
settings, versions, everything, on any pc, anytime. 

7) automated software builds become trivial.

8) plus lots of other stuff :-)

its good. it'll take some work. but if you are serious
about software quality then its well worth it.

Ben Taylor
Software Developer

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