This is pushed on eloi branch.
Yep I use color-gcc for debugging but I forgot to reset gcc instead, this
is fixed.

2013/5/6 Richard Shann <>

> On Sun, 2013-05-05 at 20:42 +0200, Éloi Rivard wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > See attached patch. utils/generate_commands creates the very same code
> > than launching denemo with -DGENERATE_SOURCE_CODE
> > I indented some code in keyboard.c so some line have been changed but
> > the behavior is the same. I also fixed some unused variable warnings.
> This looks excellent - good work! I don't want to be acting as a brake
> on your development - I will get stressed out if I think someone is
> waiting for me to do something. So I think it will be good if you bring
> the branch eloi that Jeremiah created for you in git up-to-date using
> git merge (or whatever it is called) and commit your changes there (I am
> presuming Jeremiah has given you write permission).
> I have a separate user account which I can use to build from that branch
> in a clean environment and test there.
> This would be making proper use of git, rather than the old-fashioned
> patch methods...
>  One thing I noticed in your code is something called color-gcc, which I
> guess is some colorized version of gcc? - I don't have that, and we
> wouldn't want to introduce more dependencies without a good reason...
> But that is the sort of wrinkle easily sorted out once the code is in
> git.
> Richard

Éloi Rivard -

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