> Lurking around here to find out how to cross-pollinate or merge the Depot
> efforts with the apparent parallel of the Avalon Repository, which in
> have the same goals (and perhaps some more);

(As you might recall) I once tried to find out more about Avalon's
repository work, but then got too swamped to follow-up. Actually, Depot (as
it stands today) would rather be a set of client-side tools than an actual
repository. Basically it has commandline tools, ant tasks, and APIs to fit
into folks environments.

It seems (to me) that if we can break down the issues of dependencies (and
version compatibility ranges within those)  we can start to agree on
repositories/tools/naming. I guess this is how I got myself roped into Gump,
and have note focused on Depot.

FWIIW: and I'm eager to dig into versions, since Jar-Hell is my pet

> I (and Stephen I think) have not dug into the details of what you have,
> that is perhaps a shame in itself.
> But at the same time, I 'feel' we have a higher level of maturity in
> Repository (it is running in production systems) and I don't see Depot
> community jumping up and down waving arms saying "Use this instead" or
> to absorb the features that we desparately need.

We tried the 'Repository', but [IMHO] the problem is too large (and perhaps
subjective) to handle at a theory level. I think this problem will only be
broken with enough folks getting hand on experience (e.g. Wagon). I want to
see Depot succeed if no more than as prototype, and experiment into the
space. I'd be nice if it could do more.

Also, I think this problem can only be broken with small/focused/standalone
tools -- like a browser separate from an HTTP server -- so folks don't get
into an all or nothing situation. Hence, I think Depot ought start as a
client, maybe forever.

So -- Avalon repository. How do we see about talking to it? What
protocols/APIs? Depot tends to use HTTP (to a file system based repository,
ala Maven's Ibiblio, ala ASFRepo spec.) What more is wanted?



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