Hello Niclas,
I did not understand a couple of your comments.

Ok. Avalon Repository has a SPI model in place, but code is currently required, since we cater to our own needs first :o)
Well, yeah, pretty much the same we are doing.

Yes, you will need to define or use server-side meta-data. The immediate effect after solving that is the Classloader (not classloading) establishment, since the 'type' of classloader the dependency belongs to, MUST be managed by the repository system, or you have missed a major goal.
I agree on the meta-data stored on the server-side, but I did not understood the 'type' of classloader and the major goal. Can you please enlighten me?

If Depot is only a tool for build systems itself, then you are also missing the goal, i.e. providing a functionality to a handful of build systems, each having their own solutions to this concern, is not a recipe for wide-spread acceptance, and a chicken-egg problem.

You mean basically, that build systems like Maven need some plugins to load from a central repository. This is done through the antlets and the loading of this was one of the goals for a next release of depot, when i remember correctly?

And then ALL projects with Avalon has a single POM-like XML file containing the dependencies (incl, classloading concerns), the definitions, versioning and some other smaller stuff.

Death to Maven!!! :o)
Hmm, wouldn't go this far, but I like ANT way more. Thats why I really like the antlets (antworks.sf.net), this is just an easy extension to Ant and it is growing also quite in the same direction of the POM stuff :-)

Cheers Niclas



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