Italo Vignoli wrote on 13-01-16 14:01:

> The toggle icon is off by default. I have now turned it on by default,

It is not off by default. Anyway not for me in a fresh installation.

> but I have to activate the bar in every presentation (and I usually have
> at least a dozen presentation opened at the same time).

If you activate View > Modes Tab Bar, it should be visible in any other
presentation that you open afterward.
If not, file a bug please.

> I am not using keyboard shortcuts, but in any case there isn't any
> keyboard shortcut for viewing modes (and basic users will never create
> one).

Slide Sorter and Normal views can be assigned to short cuts and added as
icon to any tool bar. For those who want.

> ...  and he agrees
> with me on the importance of that bar (especially of the "normal" vs
> "slide sorter" views).

No need to discuss the importance of that. As written: if it is
activated once, IMO it should stay active for next documents.


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