Italo Vignoli wrote on 13-01-16 16:24:
> On 13/01/16 16:07, Cor Nouws wrote:

> Yes, the toggle icon is off by default, as described in the release
> notes

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that there is a icon Toggle Tab Bar
Visibility alongside the same entry in menu View.

> (where I discovered the existence of the toggle icon, which is not
> mentioned anywhere else).

(Seems a good place to me for that info)

> I will file a number of bugs about the current Impress UI.


>> Slide Sorter and Normal views can be assigned to short cuts and added as
>> icon to any tool bar. For those who want.

I would suggest Cltr+Shft+M for norMal and Ctrl+Shft+T for sorT?

>> No need to discuss the importance of that. As written: if it is
>> activated once, IMO it should stay active for next documents.
> No, it is not active and there isn't any option to make it visible by
> default (this would have been the easiest solution).


> Also, moving master views together with slide views is another
> significant issue, especially for enterprise environments where users
> should not edit masters.

It has always been in the menu at least (no idea of the tool bars in the
past). And what do you think if one sets a background image via the
context menu, and replies Yes on the question "Apply to all slides?"..
Master slide changes.. Or change a style of outline text via a context
menu. Not to speak about all the editing that users always can do to
override/change any master slide setting.
So I do agree that the new split icon makes it more likely that someone
takes a look at master pages. I'm not convinced that it introduces "new
great dangers for corporate use".

Cor Nouws
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