On 16.10.2015 01:08, Bryan Richter wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:29:36AM +0200, mray wrote:
>> After some discussions with wolftune it dawned on me that we probably
>> have to stick to our discussion/ticket system.
>> I thought we might as well make it more usable then. Here is where we
>> currently are:
>> https://img.bi/#/tMpXHzF!jefIs_vKO6A8a2S4CFDwDg6TK4Qw9JNMzHkb99u5
>> Any feedback?
> Looks great! As I said in IRC, I like the avatar integration and it
> seems like the links around the text-entry box are not too cluttered.
> [These were two points discussed after an earlier iteration.]
> I have two specific questions and one unrelated question:
> 1. I find it hard to recognize the dash (-) as something to click on
> to hide a thread. That might be because the dash is *inside* the block
> it ostensibly closes. Maybe better like this?
> https://img.bi/#/abqkwvI!pka8hJ924A1YWjwi6W58pwO_uQpg3758Yn13YVV6

You're moving the dash outside the box right?
I think a box and its functionality should remain contained in itself.
The dash was [-] before and is also positioned like on
for example.
I might play with alternatives like triangles like fr33domlover
suggested on IRC tough.
The reason I stuck with typographical elements is that they are
minimalistic and fit to the rest. If possible I want to avoid attention
in the header part, it is already too loud up there imho.

> (Sorry for poor quality and everything else — I lack the tools and
> such.)

Looks way better than my haskell code!

> 2. I don't like the phrase "remember to follow the Code of Conduct".
> How do people feel about "The Code of Conduct matters!"

I don't have hard feelings about that one, design wise it only mattered
where to position and whether to have a whole sentence.
At this point I even think we could have a set of sentences that
randomly changes to grab peoples attention in a subtle way until they
realize "we mean it". What do you think?

> 3. [unrelated] Robert, are you comfortable using web fonts? I've heard
> they're a no-no in terms of page-load speeds. I don't have a strong
> opinion, but I'm curious to hear yours.

This is related. The new design is 90% webfont! I regard it almost as an
impertaive to use non-standard fonts in cases where design is of any
interest. The dark ages of verdana and arial are way past us now
(FORTUNATELY!). HTML is robust enough to switch to fallbacks and if you
don't pick multiple large fonts with huge charactersets and weight you
end up having a decent impact on page loading.
So am I comfortable? - It is a *relief* to finally be able to use fonts.

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