On 10/15/2015 04:08 PM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:29:36AM +0200, mray wrote:
>> After some discussions with wolftune it dawned on me that we probably
>> have to stick to our discussion/ticket system.
>> I thought we might as well make it more usable then. Here is where we
>> currently are:
>> https://img.bi/#/tMpXHzF!jefIs_vKO6A8a2S4CFDwDg6TK4Qw9JNMzHkb99u5
>> Any feedback?

I *love* it!

I hesitated to get into speculative details long-term, but for
consideration: we want to eventually support push-tags where people can
click on tags that are already set and vote up or down that tag. So,
rather than a single comment-wide vote, each tag should be able to be
voted up or down by people. Don't worry about the details, maybe don't
even think about the design of that UI immediately, just keep in mind
that we do want to fit that in eventually.

Anyway, I like this a lot and would love to see this implemented soon!

> Looks great! As I said in IRC, I like the avatar integration and it
> seems like the links around the text-entry box are not too cluttered.
> [These were two points discussed after an earlier iteration.]
> I have two specific questions and one unrelated question:
> 1. I find it hard to recognize the dash (-) as something to click on
> to hide a thread. That might be because the dash is *inside* the block
> it ostensibly closes. Maybe better like this?
> https://img.bi/#/abqkwvI!pka8hJ924A1YWjwi6W58pwO_uQpg3758Yn13YVV6
> (Sorry for poor quality and everything else — I lack the tools and
> such.)

I agree with this point about the folding button symbol.

> 2. I don't like the phrase "remember to follow the Code of Conduct".
> How do people feel about "The Code of Conduct matters!"

I very much like "remember to follow the Code of Conduct" and dislike
"The Code of Conduct matters!". The "remember" version *assumes* good
will and is exactly what it claims to be: a reminder. In fact, you only
get to post freely after accepting the honor pledge anyway, so this is
strictly a reminder, and I want it to come across with that feeling of
"you know this, but just reminding you". The "matters" version feels
like an insult to my intelligence, treats me with suspicion of bad will,
and would become annoying much more quickly.

> 3. [unrelated] Robert, are you comfortable using web fonts? I've heard
> they're a no-no in terms of page-load speeds. I don't have a strong
> opinion, but I'm curious to hear yours.

My view re: web fonts, WOFF2 is pretty darn efficient, and WOFF isn't
bad either. We have a small number of fonts, I carefully got them set up
with our CSS already. All 4 woff2 files we're using for the
design-relaunch are a combined total of 40KiB. The WOFF versions total
85KiB or so. More browers will support WOFF2 going forward, the latest
already do. And only very old browsers need the TTF/OTF backup options
which are still less than twice the WOFF size.

I think it's fine to just go ahead, and not worry about this for now. If
we used far more cumbersome and more quantity of fonts, we might have
more issues.

Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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