> I agree that the arrangement of numbers (and the quantity ther of) does
> not feel right.
> If there are any ideas about how to tackle this: send me real quick
> scribbles of how this could work!
> Here are the numbers I think need to be covered:
> 1. projected total monthly income
> 2. currently participating snowdrifters
> 3. your projected monthly cost
> Not sure about
> 4. based on what snowdrift factor (e.g. 0.1¢) you pledge

I agree with the list above. But, as said in other reply, it's "patrons"
not "snowdrifters" until we decide otherwise.

I think if we include the per-patron pledge level in that view, it would
be like this:

"Your pledge: X per patron; currently Y patrons; your current donation
level: Z" (thus it is obvious in this order that Z=X*Y)

we could then say "…as part of total A that project receives monthly"

In other words:


That's a very clear logical way to structure these stats.

Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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