Hello Mray,

I'm also looking forward to work with you on the video soon. My twin brother, 
who worked on some VFX projects, too, would like to join the video team, if 
Would we then be three people? Or are there others interested in working on it, 
Anyway, just let me know, when you have the audio files. Then we can meet on 
jitsi or irc and discuss the details and begin with storyboarding/animatic 


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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Snowdrift-design] new video script draft
Local Time: 10. Januar 2017 7:40 PM
UTC Time: 10. Januar 2017 18:40
From: m...@mray.de
To: design@lists.snowdrift.coop

Hello Johannes,

good to hear from you and see you are following the latest development
closely! I'm looking forward to work with you from here on (creating
storyboards) once we have audio files.

Concerning your feedback:
I'm glad you bring this up as I had the exact same problem with "site-wide".

There is a trade-off between clarity and precision.
Adding the concept "site-wide vs. non-site-wide" is not required to
achieve what we want to achieve.

Many questions *will* get raised without doubt, but this video does not
need to answer them all or set things straight.
Being correct and concise trumps removing doubt at this scope.

It is *escpecially* problematic to raise that term when there is only
one site that is the very project promoting it.

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