On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Vincent Untz <vu...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Le dimanche 06 novembre 2011, à 17:06 +0100, Frederic Peters a écrit :
>> + Boxes
>>   https://live.gnome.org/ThreePointThree/Features/Boxes
>>   → many commits, mclasen will push the developers to blog a progress report
>>     once they have something to show
> While Boxes look interesting, to me, it feels like it's "just" an
> application, and not a feature per se. And I'm not saying that in a
> negative way :-)

  You are correct in the sense that it is 'an' application and not 'a'
feature. It is more like 2 essential features combined in one:

1. Remote display: It is very common to own/having to deal with
multiple machines these days so many users really need ability to
easily connect to remote machines (virtual and real).

2. Trying out OSs: Each time we release GNOME, I really want to try it
out and I know many people who do. Same goes for distros but people
usually try to avoid risks and therefore most people wait till the OS
in question is stable enough. I have even seen people avoid trying out
an OS just because they are too scared of it doing any harm to their
computers. Users will definitely appreciate an easy and completely
secure way to try out OSs.

   I think these features are very essential and therefore should be
available in every GNOME installation out of the box.


Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
FSF member#5124
desktop-devel-list mailing list

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