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-- dobey

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 06:18 +0100, ursus_r wrote:
> Having followed the discussion about usability and/or freedom of 
> choice and myself being rather one of those idiot users, who
> thus often likes to make a "minority's choice", I wonder if there
> wouldn't be a way to make *everybody* (independent of their needs)
> happy.
> If one looks at vlc (in GTK-interface), 
> in its settings there's a checkbox <advanced> (accompanied by the
> information that the average user should rarely change anything there)
> and only by checking this the user gets access to more "eccentric"
> options.
> Couldn't this be a way to deal with the whole subject also for GNOME?
> Best regards
> ursus 

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