On Friday, January 3, 2014 1:06:56 PM UTC+2, lgg2...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I have found that my terminal It is not "inari" as I thought. It is a 
> ZTE Open from Movistar but This seems to be a bit different from "inari". It 
> is called internally as "ikura". (see: 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.b2g/dENpc-7Fbi4/mj25FivM3d8J ).

I rolled my eyes when I saw that post too, apparently if it's something simple 
it is unacceptable nowadays. How about calling the device "zte_open" now that 
there's no more secret about it?

> Also there are problems with ZTE about this terminal (see: 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=840845 ).
> Therefore Mozilla has decided to "desupport" (??) this device in ALL versions 
> (see ikura in: 
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/User:Asasaki:B2GBuilds#Work_not_started_or_prioritized)

Could this mean that Mozilla is passing the support of this device from now on 
to zte only?

> Then I think that Mozilla Foundation It is making it very bad about this 
> terminal. It is been sold through Movistar to Spain and Latin America, that 
> is a lot of users. And a lot of them are people that want to work with it. 
> But this terminal It is REALLY locked by ZTE and Mozilla Foundation do 
> nothing to change this.
> Any answer of this?
> P.D. (in spanish): Estamos jodidos con este terminal... Movistar se lava las 
> manos, ZTE pasa del tema puesto que esta vendiendo un desarrollo que de haber 
> sido solo para Mozilla Foundation hubiese sido tirar el dinero, con pequeñas 
> modificaciones que eviten la "huida" de terminales. Mozilla Foundation lo 
> utlizo para el arranque y ahora se da mas soporte y esfuerzos a la migracion 
> a terminales "caros" desde Android que a los "originales" ZTE Open. Mozilla 
> Foundation se puede topar con la misma piedra que Samsung con LiMo: no dar 
> rienda suelta al terminal "original" provoco su desaparicion.

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