On Wed, Mar 11, 2015, at 01:58 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> I'm not sure what you're point is then? If only mozilla implements the
> "standard" then it's still not really a standard. Even if it has a W3C
> logo on it.

I'm not sure I have a point anymore.  In this most recent reply I just
wanted to answer your question.

Making this thread useful, I guess I have a few questions because
although I probably should know these answers, I do not:

1) Is there an easy way to tell what Mozilla's stance on a
potential/proposed standard is?  Chromium has
https://www.chromestatus.com/features and it seems quite useful since it
makes it clear who the owner is, what someone in the know thinks the
other browsers' interest/plans are, and links to bugs/standards, etc. 
It seems like https://bugzil.la/1055074 might be the bug on Mozila
having something like that.

I do see a couple resources in our docs:
* https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI/ExposureGuidelines seems to suggest
that searching dev-platform for intent to implement emails works once
we've crossed a certain threshold.
* Our specific API pages seem potentially misleading in their reference
of standards but without clarification of our intent:
links to the TCPSocket spec-work
** so does https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI
* https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI/PlannedWork has some stuff but it
hasn't been meaningfully updated in exactly 6 months.

I suspect right now I should be just asking you or :ehsan or :overholt?

NB: I do get that what's happening now is you're proposing a change in
our behaviour related to all of this.

2) Is there an easy way to tell whether standardization efforts are
actually going to go anywhere?  Like a list of implementers who are
tentatively planning to implement?  From looking at raw sockets, that
fact that none of the editors are browser implementers and there hasn't
been much recent activity on the lists certainly makes some

> So my point that if we're not interested in implementing chrome API,
> then why should Google be interested in implementing one that only we
> support. With or without a W3C logo on it?

I do think it makes sense to converge to the Google Chrome API if we
make any changes to our implementation given that:
* it seems that the W3C effort is unlikely to yield an implemented
standard, merely a proposed spec
* we're explicitly recognizing this is something that can never be
exposed to the web directly and given that no one else cares about a
spec for this or a lot of other things, it's clear we end up in a custom
runtime environment no matter what, and then it's just a question of
minimizing pain/hassle for developers
* sufficiently capable stream APIs can be wrapped to look like anything
you want
* the Google Chrome developers seem to take the stability/deprecation of
their extension API seriously (noting caveat below)

I'm not sure what to do about the "chrome.sockets.tcp" namespace or how
to deal with the potential future API changes of what is explicitly an
extension API for a single evergreen browser.  Their APIs do change. 
The previous chrome.socket API https://developer.chrome.com/apps/socket
was apparently introduced in Chrome 24, added new multicast methods in
Chrome 28, was superseded by chrome.sockets.tcp
https://developer.chrome.com/apps/sockets_tcp in Chrome 33, and added
support for socket upgrade to SSL/TLS in Chrome 38.  (There does not
appear to be away to request that the socket be upgraded to TLS until
connected.)  These all seem like sane changes and the refactor
intentional, so I don't think I'd assume the trend would continue
forever, but I also don't think it means we can assume the API will now
be forever stable.

Certainly we can try and talk to them about it.  One question would be
what do we do if they really don't want us imitating their APIs? :)

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