Henrik Skupin wrote on 10/25/12 9:48 AM:

> With this post we want to get feedback from module owners and how they
> feel with such a reorganization of the tests. If we agree all on it I
> would like to go ahead and submit patches in smaller chunks most likely
> on a per module basis. I know that will be a lot of work, so I will do
> it beside my actual work and try to get as many contributors as possible
> to helping out via mentored bugs.

Thank you all for the feedback. It was kinda helpful to understand why
in some cases the tests were placed where they are now. Given those
strong reasons I don't see why we would have to move those tests around.
But I would continue the discussion regarding the structure of the test

As nearly all of you agreed on a flat folder structure makes a lot of
sense if only one type of test is present. I second that, and we
shouldn't make use of a 'tests' subfolder in such a case. But it would
be fantastic if we could agree on a reasonable naming schema. Something
we would propose is to use a folder name which matches the test
framework. Mostly we are doing it already but are affected by small
differences like 'mochitest' vs. 'mochitests'. The right usage would be
'mochitest' and it would apply to the other frameworks too.

Further if more tests are getting created which span multiple test
frameworks, we should introduce the proposed 'tests' sub folder so all
the tests can be kept together. Existing tests would have to be moved
under tests, e.g. 'tests/mochitest' and 'tests/crashtest'. As far as I
have seen we are doing that already in a couple of components.

We know that changes will always cause more or less time to adapt to but
I wish that we can find a good consensus that fits for all of us. We
really want to make it better understandable with our new upcoming
documentation, so that the entry barrier for test automation can be a
bit lowered. And that's what we need to get more contributors helping us
on all the various projects we have to work on todays.


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