2013/5/1 Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org>

> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 12:37 AM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoi...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I am not very familiar with the spec. Could you please give an example of
>> such a filter that would absolutely require multiple passes?
> Two GLSL custom filters in a chain, where each filter has its own vertex
> shader. If I'm not mistaken, doing those in a single pass would require
> inverting the function expressed by the vertex shader of the first filter,
> which is infeasible in general.

Oh, sure --- /two/ custom filters. I was more wondering if there was a
special kind of filter that by itself would require an intermediate surface.

> Another example is an SVG filter where the output of one primitive is
> sampled by many other primitives (and not necessarily at the same pixel
> coordinates, when <feOffset> is involved). You could duplicate that
> primitive but in general that could lead to an explosion in the size of the
> generated program.

For that, we could at least in some cases use Multiple Render Targets
(MRT's) i.e. have a single shader that outputs to more than one color

> So if such filters exist in the spec, I would argue for taking them out,
>> at least for now. You don't want portable-but-with-big-performance-caveats
>> things in a 1.0 spec.
> SVG filters have already been around a long time and we can't break them
> at this point. The vertex shaders for custom filters are quite powerful and
> useful. We could prevent custom filters from being chained, but authors
> would just work around it by nesting elements with one custom filter each,
> leaving us in no better position.

Again, I didn't realize that we were talking about the chaining of multiple
filters there. At least that makes it fairly explicity that this forces
multi-pass rendering --- no surprise here. There already exist various ways
to do multi-pass rendering (like, WebGL framebuffer objects), I was more
concerned about something that would do so in a surprising way.

>> I realize that we do have intermediate surfaces in our own compositor,
>> but at least that's (for all I know) just an implementation detail, not
>> something explicitly required by a spec.
> It's hard to implement group opacity without them. We discussed on IRC how
> one could use custom shaders to eliminate intermediate surfaces, and that's
> a cool idea, but there are tradeoffs involved if we start generating lots
> of custom shaders (one per sequence of child layer types at least). Don't
> want to prematurely optimize. We already do simple optimizations such as a
> ContainerLayer with opacity and a single ThebesLayer child just pushing its
> opacity down to the child, avoiding an intermediate surface. So we're only
> talking about situations like a ContainerLayer with opacity that contains
> several elements with animated transforms or scrolling, or a ContainerLayer
> with opacity that contains Web content and a playing video.

> Looks like Bas's D3D blur code requires intermediate surfaces in some
cases, too.

OK, thanks for the explanation.


> Rob
> --
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