On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Mark Hammond <mhamm...@skippinet.com.au>wrote:

> [I also see a clobber build spend > 5 minutes in various configure runs,
> which frustrates me every time I see it - so I minimize the shell ;]

Yep, and the amazing thing is that we basically don't even need to run most
of that junk on Windows (or any platform), because the vast majority of
configure output is fixed per platform--especially on Windows.

Example of wasted time: checking whether the C++ compiler can compile by
compiling a source file that we don't even need. How about we assume the
C++ compiler can compile a program and then fail when we compile a real
source file if/when our assumption is wrong?

On Mac and Linux, configure is so fast that it might not be worth
optimizing it. But, on Windows it is excruciatingly slow and it is worth
short-circuiting as much of it as we can.


> Mark
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