----- Original Message -----

> > I don't know. Maybe building an SDK based on Firefox is the right
> > thing; honestly, I just want something that works. But I put a lot of
> > effort into this over the last two years.

> FWIW, I packaged xulrunner in Debian in 2006 and have been maintaining
> it since then. Iceweasel (rebranded Firefox) has been built against
> xulrunner since 2008. I put a lot of effort into xulrunner over the
> last eight years. It's time to face the truth and let go.

I will be sad to see XULRunner go too. It's the reason I started using 
Mozilla-tech, and eventually joined Mozilla. 

We've know something for a long time: If Mozilla is not using a tech/project in 
Firefox, support for the tech/project will wither. 

However, sometimes we can create a different version of the tech/project that 
*is* used by Firefox and therefore much better supported by Mozilla. It's not a 
guarantee, but it helps. That's why I loved seeing | firefox --app | happen and 
continue to evolve. The new webapprt is a strong replacement for 
Prism/Chromeless. We even started an Android embedding widget (GeckoView) to 
power Firefox for Android. 
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