I have a couple concerns.

1. It makes it much more difficult to ship a site specific browser that can be 
installed alongside Firefox (especially if that browser might need to be 
different than the installed Firefox, like based on the ESR). It would seem 
that the best method would be to take a firefox install, remove any bits that 
are "Firefox" and install that. I'm not sure legal would like that.

2. It creates licensing issues. Previously, we would ship XULRunner and there 
were no Firefox trademarks involved. If we are shipping actual Firefox with 
modifications for our application, I would assume it would have to go through 
Firefox legal.

I think the stub to launch the app is a must have. I do not want to ship 
firefox.exe to customer that need a site specific browser and create an icon 
that launches firefox with -app. I need to be able to deliver them a named EXE 
just like any other application.
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