Guys, I get it.  I'm not happy about it, especially having wasted a lot of
the last two years on it, but I get it.

"One day, the beast cast its eye on its unruly cousin, and lost his
patience.  Many fine people tried to spare the cousin, but the beast
swallowed its cousin whole.  Its belch was like a volcano erupting, and
traveled as fast as the fox itself.  Even so, many lamented at the time the
loss of a dream... unwisely in the eyes of several high priests.  For the
betterment of all, the reconciliation was swift to arrive and comforting to

-- not every passage from the Book of Mozilla can be a happy one.

I'm idly wondering when I became timeless, the guy who fights the wisdom of
his peers most futilely.  :-)  (I know him, so I can say that.)

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 6:16 AM, Mark Finkle <> wrote:

> ------------------------------
> > I don't know.  Maybe building an SDK based on Firefox is the right
> > thing; honestly, I just want something that works.  But I put a lot of
> > effort into this over the last two years.
> FWIW, I packaged xulrunner in Debian in 2006 and have been maintaining
> it since then. Iceweasel (rebranded Firefox) has been built against
> xulrunner since 2008. I put a lot of effort into xulrunner over the
> last eight years. It's time to face the truth and let go.
> I will be sad to see XULRunner go too. It's the reason I started using
> Mozilla-tech, and eventually joined Mozilla.
> We've know something for a long time: If Mozilla is not using a
> tech/project in Firefox, support for the tech/project will wither.
> However, sometimes we can create a different version of the tech/project
> that *is* used by Firefox and therefore much better supported by Mozilla.
> It's not a guarantee, but it helps. That's why I loved seeing | firefox
> --app | happen and continue to evolve. The new webapprt is a strong
> replacement for Prism/Chromeless. We even started an Android embedding
> widget (GeckoView) to power Firefox for Android.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001
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