From your blog post:

> SG 13′s main intended purpose for such an API is to allow people learning
> C++ and writing graphical applications to do so easily, without having to
> rely on third-party libraries or learning complex APIs. In the long-term,
> however, they would like the drawing API to be useful for people writing
> application frameworks and high-performance applications as well.

The first goal --- to make learning and simple development easier --- seems
like a decent goal for the standard library, and one that could indeed
conceivably be achieved by an API derived from Cairo (or Moz2D, or any
other typical imperative 2D API).

But the long-term goal mentioned above, "to be useful for people writing
[...] high-performance applications as well", assuming that
"high-performance" means being not too far from hardware limits, isn't
really compatible with that, and if that is ever to be achieved, it would
have to be thought about in depth from day one, and in particular, nobody
really knows an incremental path from "a familiar imperative 2D API like
Cairo (or Moz2D)" to "enable high-performance applications".

The browser community is stuck with a 2D API that is convenient for casual
usage and learning --- Canvas2D --- but has now to optimize that as much as
possible. And with implementations such as Moz2D using Direct2D, or
Skia/GL, there is no denying that a great deal of effort goes into that,
with very significant advances being made towards running Canvas2D as fast
as possible. That might confuse outside observers into believing that that
means that these 2D APIs can be efficient, which they can't. "As fast as
possible" here generally means 1% of hardware limits, and already using
costly trade-offs such as large texture caches which are already a source
of problems on memory-constrained devices.

For example, people might be confused by browser-based demos using Canvas2D
to boast "1000 flying kittens at 60 FPS" or some similar feat on a typical
desktop computer. While that may seem impressive to people, that is
typically only 1% of what that typical desktop hardware can do, and the way
to get the remaining 99% of performance is to stop using Canvas2D (or any
similar 2D API, such as Moz2D or Cairo or Direct2D) and instead use
directly a lower-level graphics API like WebGL (or OpenGL or Direct3D). See
e.g. Jeff's post,

So we are already at the point where, when people ask "how can I make this
Canvas2D game run more efficiently" the best answer we can give them is
"rewrite it to use WebGL instead".

Similarly, if the C++ committee accepts a traditional (e.g. Cairo-inspired)
2D API with the eventual goal of enabling high-performance applications,
they will probably have to give up that goal and tell application
developers that were hoping for it, that they should rewrite their
applications using OpenGL instead. Does the C++ committee realize that?

To summarize, I believe that for that project to be reasonable, the C++
committee should at least explicitly make high performance a non-goal, even
in the long run.


2014-02-23 21:53 GMT-05:00 Botond Ballo <>:

> >> I would like to learn more about the tradeoffs between stateful
> >> and stateless drawing APIs. If anyone can point me to a resource
> >> about this, I would be grateful.
> >
> > FWIW I don't think any of this affects Mozilla. We aren't going to use
> the
> > standard C++ graphics library ... unless it ends up being Moz2D or
> something
> > exactly like it :-).
> I summarized what happened at the SG13 meeting in my blog post
> about the committee meeting [1].
> One interesting point that came up is that, since the thing being
> standardized is cairo's interface, not its implementation, the
> inefficiency that arises by having to go through cairo's public
> stateful layer, then its internal stateless layer, and then a
> backend library's stateful layer, can be avoided - an implementer
> can simply implement the standard (stateful) interface directly
> in terms of the stateful backend interface.
> Also, as I mention in my blog post, while the cairo proposal is
> being actively worked on and SG13 likes its direction, it's not
> too late to bring forward a competing proposal. If someone is
> interesting in writing a proposal based on Moz2D, I would be
> happy to present it at the next meeting.
> Cheers,
> Botond
> [1]
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