On 24/02/2014 05:54, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> On 02/22/2014 12:26 PM, Hubert Figuière wrote:
>> Now we talk about enabling more warning, yet Mozilla codebase is far
>> from building warning free....
>> Maybe we should start with that first?
> FWIW, I (and others) have been working on that, as a side project, for a
> while now, and I think we're actually in pretty good shape right now.
Well done.
> We currently have only 100-200 build warnings[1], if you filter out
> warnings from third-party libraries that we import (e.g. cairo, skia,
> protobuf, ICU, various media codecs).
By the way, do you have any plan to do the same with these libraries and
the patches upstream?


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